In this session you will hear from Richard Watts and you will discuss the challenges you experience when managing people – this could be a range of different people such as colleagues, managers, freelancers or peers.
You will think about the different kinds of challenges you might face, as well as thinking about your strengths and what you find easier to do than some other people around you. You will also think about and discuss what brings about the best in you, as well as how you would like others to work with you.
This will be done through understanding theory as well as delving into your own circumstances and practice.
Richard Watts
Richard runs people make it work, and helps direct programmes and support his team as they work with his clients. He loves helping leaders understand their amazing strengths as well as the areas that will benefit from some attention and development. He really enjoys helping organisations and their leaders to explore and develop their ideas, expanding their sense of what is possible and turning audacious ideas into real, sold cultural businesses that are resilient and create extraordinary impact in our society. He believes in people make it work, and the ethos that we all embody – that human beings have infinite potential, that each of us is always on a development journey, that connecting with our values and our organisations’ mission can release huge amounts of energy, that organisations thrive when they tend relationships, support each other and grow positive cultures. He fervently believes in the power of arts and culture to transform lives through helping each of us understand the world through other peoples eyes, connect with our wider humanity, see opportunities beyond our direct experience and have sublime experiences.