people make it work

We help organisations change and develop.

people make it work has a name that speaks for itself, and customers who speak loudly on our behalf (90% of our new work comes from recommendation and referrals).
The company, founded by Richard Watts, is dedicated to delivering exceptional quality through our fantastic team of people who make it work. Co-Directed by Sandeep Mahal, Clare Thurman, Vicki Igbokwe-Ozoagu and Richard Watts, the company does that with extraordinary clients who create outstanding creative work that shapes our society and the way we all see the world.  That’s why we focus on the Cultural Sector, why we work with amazing clients with transformational visions, why we have brilliant colleagues with enviable track records and deep experience. That’s also why we are all more committed to our clients goals than we are to our own, and why we are called people make it work.
people make it work officially came into being in 2000 as Richard recognised that it should be easier for Cultural Organisations to access the best support in order to create change and build resilience. The team has grown organically over time, so that there are now more than 60 people supporting leaders, helping test new business models, building business plans, establishing new ways of working and helping the sector change and develop.
With an ethos built upon the highest levels of commitment, deep and broad experience and a warm and supportive delivery, the company has been chosen by many of the most respected cultural organisations to help them deliver and develop.
We offer the complete change management consultancy, from helping you develop your new organisational strategy to building the plan to deliver it and supporting you as you engage your employees and other stakeholders.
We can even develop the training courses that might be needed to create the new skills and behaviours that the strategy requires. We can work on whole organisation projects, or with specific functions, teams or departments. Our approach is holistic – we like to consider the whole organisation we are working with… to understand all the factors that can be leveraged to create success and all those that need to be addressed to avoid failure. Our consulting work tends to be quite intimate – we work alongside leaders and their management teams, helping them to imagine, shape and then realise their business goals. Our job isn’t done until the benefits to your organisation have been realized – we focus on the impact you are seeking to create, and ensure that this is delivered by embedding the change in the organisation’s ways of working day to day… and we don’t rest until you can see the return on your investment.

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