We offer an extensive range of training services that can help create organizational change.

Most change programmes require new skills and attitudes in the organization and we develop tailored courses for leadership teams, other managers and front line staff.

Our training courses use the latest learning techniques and we can deliver them over a range of platforms, depending on your organizational requirements.

We also offer train the trainer courses if you want to develop the skills of your internal training functions.

Some of the training courses we have developed and ready to refine to your needs include;

  • Customer Service
  • Leadership development
  • First Line Management
  • Managing people and relationships
  • Change Management
  • Engaging Employees
  • Shifting your culture
  • Managing performance
  • Time management
  • Coaching skills
  • Influencing skills
  • Managing stakeholders

We can also develop new training programmes or individual training courses depending on your needs.

We have provided training to organisations including National Theatre of Wales, the Clore Short Course (leading change) West Yorkshire Playhouse, The Audience Agency, Axisweb, Bromley Mytime, TMA, Arts Council England, Arts and Business Scotland and the Clore Emerging Leaders courses (Managing people and relationships)