Transforming Governance 

Changing perceptions and narratives around Trusteeship – more than capacity-building, this reset is movement making.

The Problem 
Hierarchical power structures, incumbent board memberships and entrenched organisational culture all stand in the way of critical change that is mandated through law and widely called for by the sector. Whilst values of inclusion and equity increasingly drive organisational missions, the governance models, practices and skills are not in place to realise effective transitions and actualise ambitions.
Our Proposition 
A multi-layered change programme facilitating a national Governance Reset across all boards within the cultural sector, pro-actively supporting organisations to re-distribute power and agency and deliver on their responsibilities around representation and cultural democracy.
Through a suite of dynamic, sustained interventions, we will provide direct 1:1 trustee support and forge collective networks to develop and embed new models, approaches and competencies within the fabric of organisations.

Programme Features

A sector-wide call to action and national engagement campaign
Concrete guidance, coaching, roadmaps and resources
A Board Bank of new diverse talent, matching and recruitment support
Co-design and implementation of new models and inclusive practices
A skills development programme, and a peer-based change management programme 

Get involved

We are interested in hearing from you if this project chimes with your ambitions, as a cultural worker, a potential partner or as a funder.